Lecture Notes

Differential Geometry Lecture Notes.pdf

Differential Geometry
With a View Towards Black Hole thermodynamics

These notes aim to have the same level of rigor as a mathematics textbook (and in fact the main references for it are math textbooks), but are mostly aimed at physicists. By this I mean that I focus on topics that are relevant to physics students who want to study or deepen their understanding of General Relativity.

GR Lecture Notes.pdf

General Relativity
With a Focus on Black Holes and Holography

These notes target grad students or people who want to start doing research on black hole thermodynamics. The notes start from the basics of GR and differential geometry then go on to discuss advanced topics in black hole thermodynamics and the principles of the AdS/CFT correspondence.

Summary of Undergrad Physics.pdf

Summary Notes on Undergrad Physics

Concepts & Formulas

Useful for people studying for the Physics GRE or for anyone who wants to quickly review certain concepts or formulas from physics topics that are usually covered in undergrad programs in the US

CQFR Maths, Classes Préparatoires.pdf

Math Notes for French Classes Prépas Curriculum

These notes were written when I was an undergrad in the classes préparatoires at the UFE. Based on lectures by my beloved Professors Fabien Flori and Catherine Giacomoni.